173: and a bit

Or, things we know now that we didn’t know last week, by Gwrachod Ar Daith (witches on tour). Faithful readers will know that earlier this year we all signed up to do an ultramarathon to raise money for Parkinsons UK. The event was Race to the Stones, 100km along the Ridgeway from Lewknor in Oxfordshire to Avebury in Wiltshire.

We all finished it – not together, but I was only a few minutes behind the others – and over breakfast this morning we put together this handy guide for anyone else signing up to an event like this.

Before the event

  1. Do the training.
  2. No, really. Do all the training, no matter how often you run/do classes/other things. DO THE TRAINING.
  3. Test your shoes and socks. Find what works for you. Your feet will thank you.
  4. Train in the kit you’re wearing on the day. Test your fuelling. Race Day is not the day to experiment.

Three days to go:

  1. No, you’re not coming down with Covid/flu/Bubonic Plague/the screaming lurgy. This is pre-race hypochondria.
  2. Pack early so you can repack at least five times in consultation with your race buddies
  3. A whole bag for your snacks is perfectly reasonable.
  4. Carb load. Pasta or rice every day for a week? FINE.
  5. You will question your life choices. A lot.

The day before:

  1. Eat well. Hydrate. This is not the time for an Indian takeaway and a few pints of Cobra.
  2. Get an early night, because you’re going to be awake very early.
  3. Not all glamping sites are created equal. When they say ‘cooking facilities in each tent’ ask for details, because you don’t want to be messing with a fire pit at 5am. Also ask if ‘complete luxury’ includes bedding. Thank heavens we had our sleeping bags and pillows for the following night.

On the day:

  1. Have that last wee. You won’t regret it.
  2. Start with your team even if you know you won’t finish with them. Have a plan, find your pace and don’t feel you have to keep up. Enjoy it!
  3. Even if you haven’t had a single blister in training you’ll get one on the day.
  4. Use the walking poles and you won’t get sausage fingers.
  5. Small children proffering Haribo are angels in disguise.
  6. Weather happens. Slather on the suncream and bug spray, have the waterproof.
  7. Talk to people. I had some great conversations, and it takes your mind off the distance.
  8. Check in with people, say hi, make sure they’re ‘re ok. It’s an ultra and it’s hard mentally as well as physically.
  9. Use all the pitstops, especially if there are piglets.
  10. Eat ALL the snacks. Fill your bottles. See the medics if you need to but don’t sit down too long.
  11. At some point everyone and (almost) everything will smell better than you.
  12. Look up sometimes and see the scenery!
  13. Just make it to the next stop: bite sized chunks!


  1. Shower, eat, sleep. Do not be tempted to party into the night, there’s another 50k tomorrow.
  2. Earplugs are your friend. We used Loop ones. .
  3. Eat breakfast.
  4. Rehydrate. Keep warm.


  1. Book a hotel.
  2. Don’t sign up to next year on that wave of post-event euphoria.
  3. Be really bloody proud of what you’ve achieved.
  4. Eat ALL THE FOOD.

And now I need some food!

Kirsty x

What I’ve been reading:

Alexandria/Nemesis – Lindsey Davies

Amongst Our Weapons/Rivers of London – Ben Aaronovitch (Audible)

Overboard – Sara Paretsky

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